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1945 - 1989
The "Sebastian Waschka & Söhne" company was dissolved in 1946-1948 within the scope of the post-war events (displacement of German and Austrian citizens from the Odra region, establishment of the communist regime an subsequent nationalisation of industry).
In 1945 the factory complex was partially utilised as apartments for Odry inhabitants. All the Waschka company's property was confiscated by a Measure issued in 1946. The reason given for confiscation was that the owners were German nationals. In 1947 the name of the company was modified from the original "Sebastian Waschka & Söhne" to the new "Sebastian Waschka a synové" (Sebastian Waschka and Sons).
The Oděvní průmysl N.P. Prostějov enterprise was entrusted with temporary management of the Waschka factory from 1948, and subsequently the MEVA, Ostrava company expressed interest in moving into the factory complex in 1949. In 1950 a request was submitted for allocation of the "Sebastian Waschka a synové" factory to the Oděvní průmysl Prostějov national enterprise.
During the period from 1952 - 1992 the buildings of the former Waschka's factory were used as a clothes warehouse by the N.P. Oděvní průmysl Prostějov enterprise, later known as Oděvy Olomouc. The new user of the buildings did not bother to perform any extensive modernisation or repairs. The only extensive repairs that are worth mentioning took place in the nineteen seventies, when the roofs, central heating and courtyard underwent repairs.
At the beginning of the nineteen eighties demolition of the complex was considered due to its dilapidation and aluminium storage sheds were to have been raised on the land of the factory park.
MATEICIUC a.s. - VAT: CZ60792825; written in the CR at the Regional Court in Ostrava, odd. B 987 Entry

Company-wide winter holiday 2024/2025

during the period from 13 December 2024 to 7 January 2025.